La France à Cyclo - Locations et services

Quai Albert 1er 14360 Trouville-sur-Mer
Quai Albert 1er 14360 Trouville-sur-Mer
The La France A Vélo agency, based in Normandy, offers to accompany you on your cycling itinerary:
-on the vélomaritime
- on the Seine-Maritime coastal cycle route
- on the Seine à Vélo
- on the Vélo Francette
- on the Avenue verte London-Paris
- on the véloscénie
- on the vélowest Normandy
- on the Somme Valley
- on the Baie de Somme
- on the flax cycle route
- on the Pont de Normandie
- at the location of your choice).

Here's what we offer:
- we rent you the bikes.
- we deliver them to your accommodation, your arrival station or your home.
- we also manage the transfer of your luggage from one stage to the next.
- we offer assistance and repairs for your bike.

We'll pick up your broken-down bike and exchange it for one of our bikes so you can continue on your way!
If you want to cross the Pont de Normandie from one side to the other, we can transfer your bikes and luggage for you.

The adventure starts here!
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

Extra fietsdiensten

Enkele reis fietshuur

Vous pouvez louer un vélo à un point A et le dépose à un point B.

Contact par mail

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