Brasserie Georges B.

1 rue Frédéric Bellanger 76610 Le Havre
1 rue Frédéric Bellanger 76610 Le Havre
This is a very beautiful brasserie, an unmissable place by the sea located a stone's throw from the tramway, where it is not uncommon to come across celebrities from the entertainment industry.

In a very cozy setting, you will be welcomed in a good mood and friendliness.

3 rooms are available, one of which can be privatized for your business or family meals.

The spearhead of this brasserie is of course the seafood which makes it one of the references on the place of Le Havre.

But you will also find a complete map
After your show or sporting event, you are guaranteed to be welcomed after 10 p.m.

It is here that Nathalie and Marc have decided to settle surrounded by a very energetic team of cooks and waiters of all ages, in love with their profession and who are certainly no strangers to the conviviality of the place.

On the menu, the choice is wide: fish and seafood with daily arrivals are of course in the spotlight and make this brasserie a very popular place for lovers of seafood platters. But the menu also offers meats, salads composed.

Different formulas are added from €17.90 to €37.90 as well as a slate of the day composed according to the arrivals and the mood of the chef.
Many dishes are available for take-out, as well as delivery via Uber Eats.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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