Les vélos de la baie

100% cycling pleasure.
A keen cyclist, Yann offers two guided tours on his top-of-the-range electric bikes, exploring the Pink Granite Coast and the surrounding area, with a Breton tasting.
- Leaving from Trégastel, ‘Discovering the Pink Granite Coast’, where you can admire some of the area's remarkable and unusual sites.
- Leaving from Trestel, ‘the walk along the harbours’, where you can follow in the footsteps of the fishermen and discover the small harbours of Brittany.
You can also hire bikes: electric and classic mountain bikes, gravels, children's bikes and accessories: trailer, child seat, follower, basket, pannier, etc. Practical info: Delivery to your holiday destination or to the start of your cycle tour on the Vélomaritime between Roscoff and Paimpol/Saint-Brieuc.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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