Camping des bords de l'Aure

Boulevard Eindhoven 14400 Bayeux
Boulevard Eindhoven 14400 Bayeux
Would you like to spend a few days in Normandy, in a city with a rich heritage and close to the sea?
With its 140 pitches and its 10 recent mobile homes, the municipal campsite of Bords de l'Aure in Bayeux, with its green and shaded areas, its covered swimming pool and its games, welcomes you.
Just a step away from the city center and the Bayeux Tapestry, you will easily reach the medieval streets and their shops and will even be able to enjoy a stroll on the banks of the Aure. And if you wish to go to the sea or to the famous D-Day beaches, you will be only a few kilometers away by car or by bike
The Bords de l'Aure campsite is the ideal starting point to enjoy a relaxing stay and to discover the heritage and history.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

Extra fietsdiensten

Lichte accommodatie

Dit etablissement biedt een of meer lichte overnachtingsmogelijkheden (zoals hutten, omgebouwde tenten, enz.).

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