Large turn-of-the-century bourgeois house, fully renovated, in the heart of Le Crotoy, close to the beach and port. 3 guest rooms on the 1st and 2nd floors, each warmly and differently decorated. 1st floor: 1 chambre 3 épis (1 bed 140x190) with private shower room and toilet. 2nd floor: 1 chambre 3 épis (1 bed 140x190) with private shower room and WC. 1 attic bedroom 1 épi (1 bed 140x190) with adjoining bathroom and WC on the landing. Breakfast served in the dining room, veranda or flowered courtyard. Relaxing lounge with TV and library. Bike rental available. Tourist tax included. Parking lot nearby. Beach cabin available from May to September. Guest rooms specially adapted for bikes. Permanent naive art exhibition featuring paintings by the hostess, an artist who has exhibited in France and abroad for many years. Electric vehicle charging station 250 m away. Label Accueil Vélo
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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